Testing & Development
There are two options for testing your integrations. The best option will depend on if you're developing your integration, or if you're in the final stages of testing and user acceptance.
Testing in test mode
Test mode keys is the safest method for testing and is suggested during development
- Quick and easy testing for api calls and webhooks
- Check data is stored in an isolated portion of the database
- Checks can only be accessed using the Test Checks tool within the integration dashboard.
- Checks are not processed or billed
- End-to-end testing is not available
- Fake data can be used
For more information, see the Test Mode page.
Testing in production mode
Production mode testing should be used for final integration tests and user acceptance testing
- Whole system available for end-to-end testing
- Checks are processed and billed
- Results may take some time to be processed
- Real personal information must be used
National Crime Check may offer checks to be processed free of change to support user acceptance testing. This will be offered on a case-by-case basis.